Soal Siap UCUN Tahap I Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2021

Soal UCUN Tahap I Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2020 ~ Selamat bertemu dengan Mr Hadi Dot Com, kembali admin akan berbagi soal siap Ujian Nasional 2020 jenjang SMP dan juga Sukses Ujian Sekolah jenjang SMP Tahun 2020, terutama mata pelajaran yang diujikan secara nasional di SMP. Seperti halnya pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tentunya Uji Coba Ujian Nasional atau biasa dikenal sebagai UCUN menjadi sarana bagi siswa untuk mempersiapkan diri jelang Ujian Sekolah maupun UN-UNBK.

Soal UCUN Tahap I Bahasa Inggris SMP Tahun 2020 ~ Selamat bertemu dengan Mr Hadi Dot Com, kembali admin akan berbagi soal siap Ujian Nasional 2020 jenjang SMP dan juga Sukses Ujian Sekolah jenjang SMP Tahun 2020, terutama mata pelajaran yang diujikan secara nasional di SMP. Seperti halnya pada tahun-tahun sebelumnya, tentunya Uji Coba Ujian Nasional atau biasa dikenal sebagai UCUN menjadi sarana bagi siswa untuk mempersiapkan diri jelang Ujian Sekolah maupun UN-UNBK.

Soal-soal UCUN sudah disiapkan sedemikian rupa, paska munculnya Kisi-kisi Ujian Nasional Tahun 2020, sehingga diharapkan sangat cocok untuk persiapan menghadapi Ujian Nasional (UN-UNBK) maupun Ujian Sekolah (US) ataupun Assesmen Kompetensi.

Adapun pada update sebelumnya juga sudah admin bagikan Soal UCUN I Matematika SMP Tahun 2020, silakan baca dan download di Soal UCUN I Matematika SMP Tahun 2020, adapun untuk mata pelajaran baca dan download di Soal UCUN I Bahasa Indonesia Tahun 2020

Berikut ini admin sharingkan 2 (dua) paket, yaitu Paket A dan Paket B, diharapkan dapat menjadi semakin variasi untuk mempersiapkan UN UNBK SMP dan Ujian Sekolah tentunya.

Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris Paket A

Contoh cuplikan soal Paket A :
For questions 1 to 3, complete the dialogue with the appropriate expression!
1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank!
Budi : Hello, Dani! Is everything okay? What’s about your preparing for the semifinal match?
Dani : Don’t worry, friend! I and the team have practised seriously. So I’m sure we will do the best.
Budi :  Really? ....
Dani  : Thank you.
A. I hope your team can get the championship title this time
B. Hopefully the competition will be cancelled soon
C. The semifinal match will be held at our school
D. Okay, don’t force yourselves to do that

2.   Read the dialogue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank!
Nani : Hi Rina, do you still have the newest novel of Harry Potter?
Rina : Oh hi, Nani. Yeah I still have it. What’s wrong?
Nani  :  I really want to buy and read it. However it’s sold out. ...
Rina  :  Sure Rina. I’ll take it.
Nina  :  Thank you so much, Nani.
Rina  :  Anytime Nani.
A. If you don’t mind. I’d like to have it.
B. Would it be all right if I borrow it?
C. Do you mind if I save it?
D. I wonder if I could get it.

3.  Read the dialogue, and choose the correct respon to fill in the blank!
Farah is talking to Risma while watching TV.
Farah :  Our earth is getting hotter. It’s because of global warming.
Risma :  Yeah. Then, what should we do? Any idea?
Farah :  Hmmm. I think we must do prohibition to use the vehicles or stop factory activities that damage the river for a while.
Risma :  Umm. .... Your idea is too excessive. It’s impossible. I think we must do reforestation along way and cooperate with many people to make it happen.
Farah :  Ah that’s right.
A. I don’t think that’s right
B. I think you are right
C. Of course, it is ok
D. Absolutely right

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Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris Paket B

Cuplikan contoh soal Paket B:
For questions 1 to 3, complete the dialogue with the appropriate expression!
1. Read the dialogue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank.
Aira : Hello, Ozan! Is everything okay? How is your preparation to face the national examination 2020 this year?
Ozan :  It’s okay, Aira! I have done many efforts seriously. So I’m sure I will do my best in national examination.
Aira :  That’s good, friend. ....
Ozan  :  Thank you.
A I wish you a success as a committee in examination
B Hopefully you get a great success in examination
C I hope you can prepare the examination well
D Okay, don’t force yourselves to do that

2. Read the dialogue and choose the correct expression to fill in the blank.
Nani  :  Hi Mom, could we talk for a moment?
Mom :  Certainly.
Nani  :  You know one of my classmates is having a birthday party tonight.
Mom : So what?
Nina  : ...? I promise I will be home before 10. I will go together with Mia
Rina  : Ok. Take care. Don’t go home too late.
A. What about if I go there
B. Should we go there now
C. Do you mind if I go there
D. Would you like to go there

3. Read the dialogue, and choose the correct respon to fill in the blank!
Firda is talking to Hikmah while watching TV.
Firda : Look at that! Jakarta got a flood everywhere.
Hikmah : Yeah. Then, what should we do? Any idea?
Farah : Hmmm. I think we must do prohibition to avoid the flood or stop throwing the rubbish everywhere.
Risma : Umm. .... Your idea is too excessive. It’s impossible. I think we must do reforestation along the banks of river and cooperate with many people  to make it happen.
Farah : Ah that’s right.
A. I am not with you
B. I think it is good
C. Of course, it is ok
D. I am not so  afraid

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Download Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris Paket A dan Paket B

Bagi yang berkenan untuk unduh :

  1. Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris Paket A, di sini 
  2. Soal UCUN Bahasa Inggris B, di sini

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Semoga bermanfaat dan salam sukses mengerjakan Soal Ujian Sekolah (US) dan UNBK Bahasa Inggris SMP di tahun 2020 ini.